7 Tips to a Happy Mom School Year

July has quickly slipped into August and the race against the setting sun is upon us. Before we know it the first day of school will arrive only to find ourselves caught with our pants down or more likely empty lunch boxes. 

But what if instead of the last minute back to school scramble we switch it up to make the school year work for US, even within a pandemic. Whether sending your kids back to school or keeping them home...again, now is the perfect time to take stock and assess how YOU want this coming school year to feel. By reflecting on the questions below you will be able to discover, plan and prepare for a better school year for everyone, including you!

Observe developmental growth

Children make huge developmental leaps in the summer months. What new skills have your children acquired, in what ways can your children help out more? Are they now tall enough to reach the drawer to put the silverware away? Start integrating these new responsibilities as part of your back to school prep, creating less overwhelm for everyone when school begins. Reassessing new capabilities throughout the school year are always a help.

Contemplate the ebb and flow of your days

What are the biggest struggles for you during the school year? Is it getting up early, meal prep, or homework? Look at the structure of your day, see how you could arrange it differently to support your family's unique needs.  Example; Have a family of late risers, get things prepped the night before, food, clothing, shoes by the door, keep mornings super simple and expectations low. 

Assess daily times of ease and struggle

What are your favorite parts of the day? How can you make those moments anchor points to look forward to and rely upon. Example; You wish you could relax and do nothing at that 3pm energy drop, Eureka! The perfect time for a story. You do the reading or put on an audio book, make tea and everyone chills for 20 minutes. Set the expectations of your non-negotiable needs and the rest will follow. Don't give up, it may take some time for them to get the idea but they will.

Create a rhythm, make a plan

What type of moments does your family naturally do consistently together with ease? Yes, screaming might be one but think more along the lines of meals, play or even grocery shopping. By making those activities anchor points of consistency in your days and weeks, you will use less energy to not reinvent each day. Having a daily plan to settle into, even if it all falls apart is easier than floundering in an unknowing direction. 

Meal planning is a pain in the rear but it will save you 

I know the resistance to meal planning but I swear but if there is one thing you can do that will make each day, week, and overall life easier, it's meal planning! No matter your level of skill or desire for cooking, knowing what meals to have and when, will save great amounts of energy. Keep it simple! Example; Monday pasta, Tuesday tacos, Wednesday soup and sandwiches, Thursday Rice something, Friday pizza. Make extra for leftovers as snacks or lunches.

Lead with your self care and morning mojo practice

Sound impossible? Take it from a working, single mom, you can do it and it will change your life! Even if it's 5 minutes in the morning, with children climbing all around you, carve out your time! The day starts with you and everyone will learn to respect it. If it means rising 5 minutes earlier the ROI is huge and the energy gained will be tenfold. What do you love? Dancing, tea, meditation, journaling, gardening. Make it yours, make it clear, make it joyful!

Lastly, Have a family meeting and get everyone on board

After reviewing the points above, make your list and create your plan before the school year but it’s NEVER too late to begin! Present your new expectations of sleep, homework, meals, etc. Who's making the bed, prepping lunch, or making toast? Be clear of each person's responsibilities. Review the morning, afterschool and evening flow. You can even share which days are for playdates and which are for after school grocery shopping. Why not save on after school negotiations?

While it may seem like more work on up front to envision, create and implement a plan, your new framework will be your foundation and actually bring more freedom and less stress. No matter what we do as parents we can expect pushback to new ideas but you may be surprised by the deep desire for structure especially after the long, free and unpredictable days of summer.

If additional support is needed through any of these steps then give us a call!! This is what we LOVE to help moms and parents with! Pop over to schedule a clarity call and we will help you get your school year off to its best start!


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